Os cnpj Diaries

Os cnpj Diaries

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From time to time, sea lions flipped in the water, gliding beside us as we slowly made our way beneath the rocks and emerged on the other side of the cave. Later in the day, we continued on to Espiritu Santo, where we did a shallow dive near the shore and filled up on ceviche on the white sand beaches of this uninhabited isle.

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Michlle said 18 months ago We had a similar incident happen with a major car rental company. Our orig. price and vehicle for @300 was now over a thousand with insurance. We sat for two hours in 90 heat. We finally got a mini van as one of our people had mobile issues and a large man and a Jetta was not going to work.

It’s worth noting that while whale season runs during the winter into early spring, these months aren’t ideal for scuba diving. The visibility is limited, and the water is cold. Prime diving season is in October when the waters are clear and comfortably warm.

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Walking down dirt roads to deserted beaches was one of my favorite ways to take in the scenery, admiring open fields, the shadow of cacti dancing in the morning light, and brilliant orange and magenta bougainvillea crawling up dusty-rose adobe walls.

The sun slowly sank into the ocean, casting tangerine and golden reflections across the water. The moon rose and dusk gave way to a star-speckled sky, while crickets chirped in the distance.

These dreams were quickly dashed upon arrival to the car rental pick up at Cabo Airport, where we were handed a very steep and unexpected fee: an Em excesso $700 in non-refundable car insurance through the car rental company. The company refused to accept insurance from credit cards or other companies and refused to give us the car without us paying the fee.

And after a day of long adventures in Todos Santos the thing to do is catch a sunset, of course. We sat down on a deserted stretch of sand, just a short walk from our house, and watched the waves roll out and come crashing back in with mesmerizing force, getting misted by sea spray.

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If you’re sticking to the touristed areas or if you’re heading further south, the risk is significantly smaller.

We denied the insurance per my credit card agreement but came back to drop off it was back on bill for over a thousand for the week. My timeshare has their own company and will not rent anywhere else. There are reputable companies that will drive you around the area and will do that over renting again with those companies near airport. US insurance does not cover Mexico. Add a Comment

To set ourselves up for success, we mostly relied on retired Canadians who we learned are absolutely all over the place in Baja California. They drive their RVs down from copyright to escape the frigid northern more info winter and make their way to Baja, bouncing between various beaches and campgrounds.

Beach goers can go on a mini road trip around mountain cliffs and through the desert to reach the region’s best beaches. The favorite of the area is Playa Balandra but its popularity has resulted in limited entry during one of two timeframes, either in the morning or the afternoon. If luck isn’t on your side, settle for nearby Playa Tecolote, which still offers spectacular views as well as some fantastic seaside restaurants.

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